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As the UK transitions to Net Zero, solar farms are integral to the nation’s electricity supply, alongside on-shore and off-shore wind. 


Solar farms offer landowners an index linked income over a 40 year plus period at a significant premium to returns from farming without relinquishing ownership of the land.


A well-chosen and well-developed solar farm operates virtually silently without lifetime emissions. Solar parks allow the soil to recover from intensive cultivation and offer an opportunity to increase biodiversity on - and capture carbon in - the land. We develop our solar farms so that sheep can continue to graze amongst the solar panels, so the land is not removed from agricultural use.


The team at One Planet has developed utility scale solar farms since 2012. Collectively we have developed, financed, constructed and sold over 800MW of solar farms.


One Planet has a wider approach to development than others in the industry: as well as leasing land, we are open to entering into joint ventures with landowners to co-promote land and to acquiring development rights from early-stage developers for a number of our investor partners.


To find out how we could help you, please call us on 0345 257 9899 or email us at

This is grey (or "English") partridge.  it has suffered a serious decline in the UK, and in 2015 appeared on the "Birds of Conservation Concern" Red List.
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